Let's start learning Salesforce for free

It's a free org!

              Let's start learning Salesforce for free.Hmm...How do we do that?All we need to have is a developer edition org. Salesforce has different types of editions for their business needs.One among them is a developer edition.It is a free edition, where administrators and developers can learn Salesforce and we can exercise all the features available in the edition.

 How to sign up for developer edition?

  • Sign up with https://developer.salesforce.com/signup
  • Fill the form.
  • You will be requested to verify your account
  • That's it.It's done. 
Okay now that you have created your salesforce org, here is something that will help you get started with salesforce. Start building recruiting application using  force.com platform fundamentals.It's a pdf file which is available in the below link https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/salesforce_creating_on_demand_apps.pdf 

 Start learning with Trailhead.

    Salesforce gives us a whole new level to learn Salesforce through trailhead.Trailhead is a platform where we can learn Salesforce for free.All you need to do is open https://trailhead.salesforce.com sign up with your developer edition org and start with trails,modules etc.Trailhead gets frequently updated, so you won't lag behind.You can update yourself with its latest features.After completing a module you will have challenges to complete,it might be a multiple choice question or a scenario related to the topic.After successfully completing you will be awarded with points and badges.There are also projects and superbadges you can earn while you are blazing your trail!Have fun!Happy Learning.
